About Resource Conservation Districts (RCDs) as Special Districts
TRCD is a member of the California Association of Resource Conservation Districts (CARCD). Additionally, TRCD is a member of the California Special Districts Assocation (CSDA) and actively participates with the Central Valley Chapter. Finally, TRCD district operations is covered by the Special Districts Risk Management Association (SDRMA)
Resource Conservation Districts are guided under the California Public Resources Code, Division 9: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displayexpandedbranch.xhtml?tocCode=PRC&division=9.&title=&part=&chapter=&article=&nodetreepath=16
The legal status of RCDs is determined under PRC 9003 as the following:
The Legislature hereby finds and declares that resource conservation districts are legal subdivisions of the state and, as such, are not-for-profit entities. For the purpose of contracting with state agencies only, resource conservation districts shall be considered agencies of the state.
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